How Mighty is My Magnet
Magnets are objects that have an unusual ability to attract and repel certain materials. Magnets have two poles that are called the north pole and the south pole. The poles are areas near the opposite ends of a magnet where the magnetic force is the strongest. The area of space near a magnet where the magnet exerts force is called the magnetic field. Magnets are useful in lots of ways. Their attractive properties are used to stick things on other objects like refrigerators.
In addition, the force generated by the attractive pull or repulsive push of magnets can be used to help move objects from one place to another. For example, electromagnetic trains like MAGLEV train in China use magnetic repulsion to “float” the train on top of its track. Since it doesn’t take much energy to push a floating train down a track, the MAGLEV is one of the fastest trains in the world and can reach speeds of 430 km/hr (270 mi/hr).
In this activity, your first task is to “float” your paperclip in the air using your magnet. Your second task is to measure the strength of the magnet. Your final task is see if you can use your magnet and paperclip to fly your kite above your cup. While it might seem like magic, we know it’s just mighty magnetism at work.