Below is a list of equipment & kits available for checkout with a short description for your convenience. Many of these kits can be adapted to multiple grade levels. Feel free to adapt the kit to fit your needs and remember the lesson plan that goes along with the kit is optional and is meant to be adapted. To submit a checkout request, please scroll down and complete the Google Form including your name, school, email, phone number, and equipment and dates needed.
Please request equipment at least two weeks in advance to assure equipment reaches you by your needed date. If you have any questions, please contact Southwest GYSTC at or (229) 243-6073.
Please Note: Deliveries will take place at the beginning of the month and pickups will take place at the end of the month. Cleaning and disinfecting of kits & equipment will take place the fourth week of the month. Please reserve what you need for the month and at least two weeks in advance.

Life Science Kits
Flower Dissection- We supply the tape, Forceps, magnifying glasses and flower diagram. Please supply your own fresh flowers.
Pollination- “A sticky situation”- Students learn how pollination works by using Cheetos to simulate pollen. Please supply your own Cheetos.

Life Science Equipment
- Cell Models
- Desktop Microscopes
- Digital Microscope
- Magnifying Glasses
- Microscope Slides with cover slips

Physical Science Kits
Barbie Bungee- Using Barbies, G.I. Joes, and rubber bands, students will determine how many rubber bands it will take for Barbie or G.I. Joe to fall from a predetermined height to have a thrilling, yet safe fall (scatter plots and line of best fit applicable).
Cool Circuits-Student will explore the Science behind Circuits! Lay down a puzzle card, solve the challenge by making a loop and watch the board light up!
Students will investigate how sound is made. Kit includes Sound Waves, Seashell Sounds, Xylophone- Xango Bottles, Singing Water Goblets, Chicken Plucker Cup, The Doctor is In! (Stethoscope Experience), Echolocation-"It's a Bat Thing!", Mystery Sound (What do you hear?), Palm Pipes, Singing Sound Tubes, Cardboard Kazoo, Tin Can Telephone, Tuning Forks & Resonance Chamber, Underwater Sounds, Born Whackers & Sound Vacuum.
Static Electricity- Students will play with static electricity using a static wand and salt, tinsel/foil, and foam and "fur".
Stomp Rockets 1: Rocketry- Students discuss how different variables affect the distance traveled by a stomp rocket
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion- Observe Newton’s third law of motion while testing the balloon rockets with the different types of string and friction.
Light & Color- Students discover light and how light interacts with objects. Contains prism glasses, prisms, 3D glasses, UV dector, etc.
Science or Magic-
Students will explore the "magic" that is science. The student will keep a paper towel dry after that paper towel is submerged in a bowl of water. This kit focuses on how gasses take up space between materials and substances.

Physical Science Equipment
Bell Jar with Air Compressor
Energy Transfer- Ice Melting Blocks
Hover board/ leaf blower
Smashing Steel Spheres
K'nex STEM Building Solutions
Micro Electrolysis Machines with Multi- Voltage Power Supply
Van de Graaf Generator
Spring Scales

Earth & Space Science Kits
Students will design a building structure to withstand the effects of an Earthquake.

Earth Science Equipment
- Mineral Set
- Fossil Set
- Sedimentary, Igneous, Metaphoric Rock Sets
- Rocks & Minerals from Georgia
- Shark Teeth Exploration

Technology Or Engineering
- Edison Robots
- Sphero Minis and Ipads
- Ozobots Kit
- Bee-Bots
- Botley Robots
- Star Lab
- Keva Planks
- Creative Geometry Buttons-
Students will explore colorful Geometry Buttons to match, coordinate colors, study patterns, create shapes, in order to create an assigned geometric picture. - Kid K'NEX Building Set-Students will use the Kid K'NEX rod and connector building system to design and engineer structures.
- Picasso Magnetic Tiles-
Students will build structures by aligning Picasso Magnetic Tiles together to create individualized designs. - Small Puzzle Pieces (Plus Plus)-Students will construct and design their own creations using Plus Plus Small Puzzles pieces.
- Solarize A Classroom- Email your interest and we can discuss requirements.