GYSTC has developed sessions over the years to address the needs of schools in our region that include the following topics: Vocabulary, formative Assessment, Writing in Science, Literacy, Inquire-Based Instruction, Project Based Learning, or STEM. These sessions can be delivered in a format that best meets the needs of your school such as planning periods, after school, or on professional learning days.
With few exceptions, all of the materials, resources, and services listed are available at no cost to schools and teachers from membership systems. For additional information, please contact Southwest GYSTC at or (229) 243-6073.

Science Across the Curriculum
The key goal of Integrating Science Across the Curriculum practice is to reinforce skills in other subject areas by engaging students in science investigations. For example, science projects that include reading build science knowledge while strengthening literacy skills.
Join us:
Date: Friday, August 4, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Campus of ABAC/SRTC
(2500 E. Shotwell Street, Bainbridge, GA 39819)
Please register in the google form below.

STEM in the Wild

Teachers will be introduced to citizen science projects in Georgia so that they can have their students become scientists as they engage, collect, record, and share data with actual scientific databases (Adopt-a-Stream and The Great Southeast Pollinator Census). With school systems' attempts to deal with "learning loss," we also want to explicitly model how immersing students in the outdoor environment increases a student's engagement with reading, science, and mathematics. Children's literature will be used and provided to each teacher that participates in this PL to use in their classroom.
Join us:
Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Campus of ABAC/SRTC
(2500 E. Shotwell Street, Bainbridge, GA 39819)
Please register in the google form below.

Life Science in an Elementary Classroom
Participants will hone their abilities to plan excellent science instruction. Diving deep into three-dimensional learning, participants will engage in activities designed to better understand each aspect of three-dimensional learning: the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. Participants will use their newfound understanding to guide them in assessment and lesson plan creation using the 5E Instructional Model.
Join us:
Date: Thursday, Janurary 4, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Location: Campus of ABAC/SRTC
(2500 E. Shotwell Street, Bainbridge, GA 39819)
Please register in the google form below.

What is Stem?
Still a little nervous about crossing over and incorporating STEM into your classroom? Join us for a fun time of STEM basics and participate in STEM activities related to GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence).
Project-based Learning
Distinguish between a "project" and "project-based learning" while developing a framework for how to implement PBL into your classroom. Leave with some PBL ideas to try in your classroom.
Equipment Training
If you are interested in checking out this equipment, you must attend a training session. Learn tips on set up and care for the Star Lab. Leave with links of lesson ideas from teaching topics from the solar system, plant cell, Greek Mythology to Earth's Geography. Also, learn how to use the hover craft and Van de Graaff Generator.
Linking Literature: STEM Lessons Based on Books
Using a framework, teachers will develop lessons and engineering challenges based on texts they're already reading with their students. This is curriculum integration at its best.