Veggies are Very Healthy
Plants are living things that grow in the earth. Plants have and a stem, leaves, roots and usually flowers. The stem connects the roots to the leaves, helps transport water and food, and provides support for the leaves and flowers. Leaves make food for a plant by using sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into sugar. The roots of a plant absorb water and minerals for the plant and they also anchor the plant.
Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. Eating vegetables provides health benefits as they contain many important nutrients including fiber, potassium, vitamin C and vitamin A. They are also low in fat and calories and they can even reduce the risk of getting some serious chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Corn is vegetable that can also be considered both a grain and a fruit. Indian corn, or flint corn, is one of the oldest varieties of corn. Native Americans taught the early colonists how to grow it. Its kernels come in a range of colors including white, blue, red, and yellow.