Water: The Most Amazing Molecule

Water is the most amazing substance on the planet. A glass of water actually contains millions of tiny water molecules. Each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You can make a model of a water molecule using two toothpicks and three marshmallows. Attach one marshmallow (oxygen) to the middle and two to the sides (hydrogen).

The main reason that water is so amazing is that it dissolves things better than anything on the planet. Because of this, living things are made mostly of water – including humans. Water can dissolve and then transport tiny particles including nutrients (food) and oxygen quickly to parts of our body. This helps us to survive and thrive. Water molecules also stick to each other better than any other liquid on the whole planet. You can see how well water sticks together by counting how many drops of water can collect on a penny before it spills over. Overall, water is a pretty incredible substance.


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