Dr. Bob is a 40-year science educator who has taught science all grade levels, K-16. He has taught prospective elementary school teachers at Georgia Highlands College in the area of physical science and life science. Currently Dr. Bob authors a weekly Astronomy radio broadcast on Rome Radio Station WLAQ AM 1410 and FM 96.9. The program airs at 7:50 a.m. each Tuesday morning. The radio station also has a live FaceBook broadcast at the same time: WLAQ-Rome. The text for the latest program is found as a link, by date, in TEACHER RESOURCES, named STARGAZERS' NEWSLETTER. As time permits, a more complete list of prior programs will be included.

The Georgia Youth Science and Technology Centers, Inc. provides quality programs for teachers of STEM subjects that improve the teaching and learning process at the kindergarten through eighth grade levels. We present programs that change students’ perceptions and inspire an appreciation for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects.