Welcome to Oconee River GYSTC!
We have been making science fun for kids and their teachers K-8 for more than 30 years.
Oconee River GYSTC (Georgia Youth Science & Technology Centers Inc.) is part of a network of nine regional centers and programs in addition to the GYSTC Headquarters. GYSTC, Inc. is a private, not for profit educational organization designed to increase interest in and enthusiasm for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) for students, teachers, and parents, in elementary and middle school. Oconee River GYSTC serves the member systems of NEGA RESA. Occasionally additional services are available to nearby systems, and all teachers are welcome to attend our professional learning opportunities.
Oconee River GYSTC serves the following school systems:
Barrow County
Greene County
Morgan County
Clarke County
Jackson County
Oconee County
Commerce City
Jefferson City
Oglethorpe County
Elbert County
Madison County
Social Circle City
Occasionally additional services are available to nearby systems, and all teachers are welcome to attend our professional learning opportunities. Please reach out to us if you are interested in learning more about our services.

How can you take advantage of our services?
Take a look at the video to see how we can help you support STEM Teaching & Learning in your school district!
Oconee River GYSTC
Northeast Georgia RESA
375 Winter Street
Winterville, GA 30683William Dodd
706-742-8292 x212
Oconee River Georgia Youth Science and Technology Center is one of nine non-profit 501 (c)(3) Georgia Youth Science and Technology Centers (GYSTC) throughout the state.