Professional Learning

West Georgia Youth Science and Technology Center

GYSTC has developed sessions over the years to address the needs of schools in our region that include the following topics: Vocabulary, formative Assessment, Writing in Science, Literacy, Inquire-Based Instruction, Project Based Learning, or STEM. These sessions can be delivered in a format that best meets the needs of your school such as planning periods, after school, or on professional learning days.

With few exceptions, all of the materials, resources, and services listed are available at no cost to schools and teachers from membership systems.  For additional information, please contact West GYSTC at or (770) 328-8530.

Star Lab & Equipment Training - Member System Teacher Training
August 27, 2024
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
UWG College of Education, Room 119
Class Description: Star Lab Training, Van De Graaff Training, Stop Motion Animation for beginners, etc. What else do you want to see and learn?

Project Wet, Project Wild, Project Learning Tree - Professional Development

October 22, 2024
9:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
UWG College of Education, Room 119
Teachers will receive three different environmental education curricula and resources to bring hand's-on interdisciplinary activities back to students. - $75 to cover cost of three books

Solarize A Classroom - Professional Development

June 3, 2025
9:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
UWG College of Education, Room 119