2022 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
GYSTC is proud to honor 23 recipients of our coveted 2022 Georgia STEM Scholar Awards. This outstanding group of educators was chosen for their thoughtful engagement with their students which, over the last year, resulted in imaginative classroom lessons that taught and support science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Our recipients are winners! Winners for their students. Winners for their communities. Winners for our state, and winners for the teaching profession. They exemplify everything we want and hope our teachers will be. It is our duty and delight to honor them!
This year’s Georgia STEM Scholars were selected for their outstanding work to engage and improve student learning in STEM disciplines. As a part of this special recognition, the school district will receive a $500 grant for the awardee to purchase STEM education materials for their classroom. GYSTC is proud to recognize the following FY 2022 Georgia STEM Scholars.
For more information on our Scholars please visit the following: https://gystc.org/2022-georgia-stem-scholar-award-recipients/
Congratulations, 2022 Georgia STEM Scholars!