GYSTC's professional learning workshops are structured specifically to help teachers understand and integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through lessons that reflect knowledge of STEM content in the classroom. With the science and engineering practices now being seriously integrated into Georgia’s standards, GYSTC has created special materials that orient teachers on what and how scientists and engineers go about their work. GYSTC believes its engineering/teacher programs are on the cutting edge of what is essential.
* These workshops can be offered on-site or virtually. Please contact GYSTC at gystc@kennesaw.edu to schedule. Looking for more topics? Please contact GYSTC at gystc@kennesaw.edu to put together a workshop that meets your needs. Pricing for professional learning may vary.
Available Professional Learning Workshops
Excellence in Science Teaching:
In this workshop, participants will hone their abilities to plan excellent science instruction. Diving deep into three-dimensional learning, participants will engage in activities designed to better understand each aspect of three-dimensional learning: the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. Participants will use their newfound understanding to guide them in assessment and lesson plan creation using the 5E Instructional Model. This workshop is available as three full days of professional learning or as an abbreviated 90-minute overview.

Foundations in STEM:
In this workshop, participants will gain foundational knowledge about STEM instruction. An overview of three-dimensional learning and the 5E Instructional Model will be presented. Participants will see how all these elements come together as they engage in relevant hands-on exploration. This workshop is available as two 90-minute sessions of professional learning.

Science Instruction Through STEM:
In this workshop, participants will discover why STEM is an effective instructional strategy for teaching science. An overview of what, why, how, and levels of STEM integration will be presented. Participants will participate in a hands-on example, then use what they have learned to integrate an existing science lesson of their choosing. This workshop is available as a 90-minute session of professional learning.

Science + Literacy = Sensemaking
In this workshop, participants will dive deep into the Georgia Standards of Excellence and the three dimensions of the science standards: the Science and Engineering Practices, Cross-Cutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. Activities to better understand the use of phenomena in lesson design will be presented. Participants will see how literacy strategies and careful placement of reading and vocabulary in 3-D science instruction support sensemaking for students. Participants will also use their newfound understanding to discuss the implications on assessments. This workshop is available as a full day of professional learning or as a 90-minute session.

STEM Essentials:
In this two-part workshop, participants will create, design, collaborate, and problem-solve as they engage in relevant hands-on explorations. Utilizing the 5E Instructional Model, these lessons are essential to any science classroom because they are engaging, affordable, and re-usable. Each lesson emphasizes the Georgia Standards of Excellence while also showing how to make 3D connections in ways that promote student passion for and understanding of STEM endeavors. Participants will also get an introduction to coding and receive an Edison robot (limit two free robots per school). This workshop is available as two full days of professional learning or five one-hour sessions of professional learning.

STEM Institute:
In this institute, participants will build their repertoire of effective, hands-on learning experiences. Each experience actively engages students in key phenomena using three-dimensional learning while emphasizing the Georgia Standards of Excellence. At the institute, participants will receive multiple grade-specific lesson plans, STEM Challenges, and resources to try with students. This institute is available as two full days of professional learning.
Available Trainings
Edison Robots:
In this workshop, participants will increase their capability in delivering STEM curriculum across K-12 through Microbric’s Edison robot. Edison is an affordable, engaging way to introduce programming and robotics for coding education to students. Edison has been designed to cater to students at different skill levels and to teach STEM (STEAM) concepts beyond computer science through real-world examples. Through the workshop, participants will become familiar with Edison, create a program in any of the Edison programming languages (EdBlocks, EdScratch, or EdPy), be able to troubleshoot Edison, learn how to use Edison in their classroom, and know the resources available for teachers and where to find them. Participants will also receive an Edison robot (limit two free robots per school). This workshop is available as two hours of professional learning.

Project Learning Tree:
In this workshop, participants will become certified to teach using the Project Learning Tree Curriculum. After going through this workshop, participants will have an activity guide full of activities that correlate with the Georgia Standards of Excellence to engage your students in Environmental Education. This workshop is available as a half-day, two-day, or week-long professional learning.