Free In-Class Field Trip Resources
One of GYSTC's core services is to provide in-class field trips. There is no need to reserve the bus, we bring the fun to you. Lessons are aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Science and designed to connect students to STEM Careers.
Thanks to funding from the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund II (GEER II Grant), GYSTC is able to offer these grade-specific lessons completely free of charge. Below is an overview of the information you will need to present one of these lessons to your class.

Free In-Class Field Trip Resources
Bee a Pollinator (Second Grade)
Pollution Solution (Third Grade)
Gravity Railroad (Fourth Grade)
Glo-Germ (Fifth Grade)
Ripples of Awareness (Sixth Grade)
Renew a Bead (Sixth Grade)
Cell Toy (Seventh Grade)
Electromagnets (Eighth Grade)