Awesome Arches STEM Challenge
One of the coolest (and oldest) architectural applications involves the use of arches in bridge and building design. Arches truly are amazing structures. As curved symmetrical structures that span various openings, they are designed to support the weight (a measure of gravitational pull) of the bridge, wall, or roof that are above it. They are used in construction throughout the world. Stone arch support structures were first used widely by the Romans who built some of the most durable edifices ever made. Many of them are still functioning today.
In this STEM Challenge, your task is to measure and compare the strength of two simple bridges. In each case, you will actively investigate how the design acts to disperse forces and, in doing so, adds (or fails to add) to the strength of the structure.

Arches SC Resources:
Awesome Arches SC Lesson Plan w vocab
Content Focus: forces, bridge engineering, compression, tension, Newton's Laws, STEM Challenges, hands-on