The Cool Catapult STEM Challenge
A catapult is a device used to launch an object a great distance without the aid of an explosive bang. Catapults work by storing force either in twisted ropes, stretched bands, or flexed pieces of wood or metal. The force stored in these bent objects is used to push other objects of choice into the air and toward a target. These objects might include an arrow shot from a bow, a pebble shot from a slingshot, or a boulder shot from an ancient army catapult.
Younger elementary students should understand that the force (push) supplied by the catapult can be used to change the motion of object of interest. In this STEM Challenge, the student's task is to to build a catapult that can shoot a marshmallow over a protective wall.

Catapult SC Resources:
Catapults are Cool SC Lesson Plan w vocab
Catapult Student Sheet
Catapults are Cool Close Read ES
Catapults are Cool Close Read MS
Content Focus: forces, motion, pushes, pulls