Corn Starch Super Slime

Cornstarch Super Slime, sometimes called Oobleck, is a simple mixture of two substances. This mixture is unusual and super fun because sometimes it acts like a liquid and sometimes it acts like a solid.  When you put pressure (or force) on it by poking it or grabbing it into a ball, it acts like a solid and the mixture maintains it shape.  But, as soon as you remove the pressure, the mixture loses its shape and starts to flow like a liquid.  This happens because when the cornstarch particles are put under pressure they trap the water molecules between them temporality turning the mixture into solid-like material. Remove the pressure, and the melting begins.  Kids can have tons of fun exploring different ways that they can get their slime to act like a liquid or solid.

Key Concepts: matter, materials, mixtures, properties, polymers.


Corn Starch Super Slime Resources