Discover Georgia STEM Camp
DISCOVER GEORGIA STEM CAMP is open to any Georgia K-8 level student enrolled in public, private, charter or homeschools. Our virtual, science-based camp sessions meet online four days a week in one hour SESSIONS throughout June, 2020. Our talented Georgia teachers have designed fun science learning activities for each grade level to expose, inspire, educate and entertain students with a range of age- appropriate STEM-focused exercises.

- All Discover Georgia STEM Camp class content are aligned to Georgia Science Standards of Excellence.
- All our highly trained educators are full time, state certified professionals with the highest levels of expertise in teaching STEM.
- Your children can remain safe at home while enjoying a fun, authentic online field trip experience. This experience is also Georgia-focused, tapping our state’s rich natural resources and multiple industries as backdrops to teach and explore science, technology, engineering and math.
- Touching on other subject areas like art, music and communications is inevitable, but our primary focus is always STEM. As a parent, teacher or student, if you see the development of STEM skills as critical to our present and future, then Discover Georgia STEM Camp is the place to be.
- Tuition is ABSOLUTELY FREE to all participants.
Week One: (June 1 - June 4, 2020)
For Grades: Kindergarten - Second Grade
Day One: Bee a Pollinator
Students will observe the way pollen baskets on the bee’s legs can be filled with the yellow pollen. Pollen also sticks to the bee’s body as it collects nectar and pollen. How does the pollen stick to the bee? Can the students think of a more effective adaptation than the pollen baskets? After learning these basics, challenge students to:
- Create a bee that is better suited for collecting pollen for the hive or for pollination of plants.
- Have students become bees themselves, outfitted with their own version of pollen collecting adaptations.
Day Two: Rosie Revere's Flying Machine
Students will listen as an astronaut reads aloud Rosie Revere Engineer from space. Newton’s Laws of Motion are discusses and students work through the Engineering Design Process to build a prototype of a flying machine.
Day Three: Fun with Forces and Motion
Students will complete and discuss the Paper Rocket Shootout, Magnetic Car, and the Cool Catapult STEM Challenge. Along the way we will discuss forces, aerodynamics, and drag. We will also consider how engineers at Lockheed Aeronautics create new solutions to flight related problems.
Day Four: A Look at the Landscape of southwest Georgia and weekly Recognition Ceremony
Students will travel virtually to Providence Canyon, also known as the Little Grand Canyon, to see how farming practices from years ago have contributed to weathering and erosion of the soils in and around Stewart County, Georgia. We will identify soil types, look at the weathering, erosion and deposition of the canyon. All of the information gathered can help with the understanding the geological history of formation of the earth.
WEEK TWO (June 8 - June 11, 2020)
For Grades: Third - Fifth
Day One: Carnivorous Plant Quest
Students will learn about the adaptations of carnivorous plants that enable them to live in different regions of Georgia through a tour of the bog garden at the State Botanical Gardens in Athens, GA. Specialists from the garden will lead us on a tour of the plants and different adaptations that they have. Then, they will show us how to plant a carnivorous plant in our own yard so that it will thrive.
Day Two: Helping Others: Taking a Lesson From Nature- Symbiotic Relationships along the Ohoopee River
Students will take a visit along the Ohoopee River and look at Symbiotic Relationships- organisms helping organisms. Formation of sand dunes, gopher tortoises, unique plants and animals will be discussed and highlighted. Careers in biology will be presented. A partnership with the DNR will be pursued.
Day Three: Iggy Peck
Students will use materials to develop a structure that will withstand movement in Earth. After lesson completion, students should be able to evaluate different models of structures. They will be able to describe how different aspects of structures may be advantageous if an earthquake were to occur.
Day Four: A Look at the Landscape of southwest Georgia and weekly Recognition Ceremony
Students will travel virtually to Providence Canyon, also known as the Little Grand Canyon, to see how farming practices from years ago have contributed to weathering and erosion of the soils in and around Stewart County, Georgia. We will identify soil types, look at the weathering, erosion and deposition of the canyon. All of the information gathered can help with the understanding the geological history of formation of the earth.
WEEK THREE (June 15 - June 18, 2020)
For Grades: Sixth - Eighth
Day One: The STEM Behind Hollywood
Students will be introduced to a variety of STEM related careers such as computer programing, audio engineering, film animation, and so much more that is related to Georgia’s TV & Film industry.
Day Two: Build and Use Your Own Microscope
Students will build their own microscope and view both plant and animal cells. Using the microscope, students will observe microbes they can find in pond water and learn how microscopic lenses make it possible to see tiny objects.
Day Three: Aerodynamics of Various Paper Airplane Designs
Students will build several paper airplanes from patterns they pull from the internet (provided by the instructor). The students will fly the planes and determine the best design by how far the planes fly and the time the planes are in the air. One plane my fly far but fly very fast while another plane may not fly far but fly for a long time. Students will have to determine the characteristics they will use to determine best flight.
Day Four: A Look at the Landscape of southwest Georgia and weekly Recognition Ceremony
Students will travel virtually to Providence Canyon, also known as the Little Grand Canyon, to see how farming practices from years ago have contributed to weathering and erosion of the soils in and around Stewart County, Georgia. We will identify soil types, look at the weathering, erosion and deposition of the canyon. All of the information gathered can help with the understanding the geological history of formation of the earth.