Mining for Chocolate Gems

Rocks are natural objects that are composed of solid crystals.  Rocks are made of a mixture of minerals.   Minerals are solid crystals with a definite chemical composition.  Rocks and minerals that are precious or valuable are often called gems.

When valuable rocks or minerals are discovered, a mine is often dug into the earth to remove these important materials. Mines can be constructed as series of deep holes that are dug underground or they can be one giant hole that with lots of layers.  The building and operation of a mine often results in some negative impacts on the environment.   This includes loss of habitat for plants and animals, erosion of the impacted land, and possible contamination of nearby soil, steams, and wetlands.  As a result, mining should be done as carefully and protectively as possible and, after mining is complete, the land should be returned to as close to its natural state as possible.

Can you remove the chocolate gems from your cookie mine while minimizing the damage to the land around it?


Mining for Chocolate Resources