Mobius STEM Connections

The Mobius strip was discovered in 1858 by the visionary mathematician and astronomer August Mobius. A Mobius strip forms one of the most famous surfaces in mathematics. The surface is an unusual one – a one-sided surface that is non-orientable. Mobius was able to show that these strange one-sided surfaces are actually an integral part of mathematics, magic, science, art, and music. He was able to make some amazing connections.

The Mobius strip has become a symbol for change, strangeness, and rejuvenation. The unending loop is used to represent the Unity of all forces, creating a state of Oneness, joining the whole and the part, the masculine and the feminine, expansion and even spirit and matter. The strip demonstrates how everything is One and nothing can be separated. It is pretty cool to see that a simple twisted strip of paper can be used to help us consider how everything in our world is so cleverly connected.


Mobius STEM Connection Resources