Mystery of the Red Cups

There are numerous grade-level core ideas that can be incorporated into this lesson. It is also a great science activity to do during the first week of school for any grade level when you are talking about the importance of scientific practices such as making observations, brainstorming ideas, and forming explanations. It also works well to discuss cross-cutting connections between the form and function of this amazing molecule. If we want our students to consider how the concepts under study are linked to other important practices and ideas, we have to them with provide opportunities to investigate and discuss them.

The Mystery of the Reds Cups can be done as a demonstration or it can be incorporated into a story telling format. The video shows the story telling format done in honor of my all time favorite teacher Mrs. Craig. As my second grade teacher, Mrs. Craig taught me how to love learning and helped me to believe in myself as a capable and confident young student.

Key Concepts: matter, materials, mixtures, properties, polymers.


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