GYSTC takes great pride in our STEM Scholars – past, present and future! The annual selections for this special group showcase the dedication, innovation and excellence in classroom teaching these creative educators perform daily. Unfortunately, for the second year, COVID-19 has forced the postponement of the joyous celebrations which see the winners travel to Atlanta for a festive ceremony in which the coveted STEM Scholar awards are presented. But the GYSTC board and staff remain undaunted in our commitment to publicly congratulate the winners! To that end, GYSTC Board Chair Don Barbour, GYSTC Executive Director Betsy Green, and GYSTC Director of Strategic Initiatives Lynn Larsen have been traveling around the state to present the awards individually to each of the 26 winners for the 2020 school year and the 23 winners for 2021. Below are a few captioned photos of the individual awards presented to recipients thus far. Watch this space for more awards photos as presentations occur - and congratulations again to all our talented teachers!

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. LeeAnn Hinchberger - Paulding County Schools

FY 20 & 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Chelsea Sell & Ms. Elizabeth Walker - Paulding County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Jennifer Godbout - Paulding County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Mrs. Amanda Shafer - Brooks County Schools

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Pamela Parten - Worth County Schools

FY 20 & 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
Mr. Scott Reece, Ms. Karen Garland, & Ms. Daniele Deneaka - Cherokee County Schools

FY 20 & 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
Mr. William Hanna & Ms. Tammy Sharpe - Thomas County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Tracy Porter - Marion County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Mrs. Kimberly Acosta - Harris County Schools

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Ashley Pitts - Colquitt County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Bonnie Kirkley - Colquitt County Schools

FY 20 & FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
Ms. Andrea Lawson, Ms. Courtney Chastain (accepted by Matthew Huckeba), Dr. Manda Campbell, and Ms. Jennifer Carroll - Carroll County Schools

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Ashley Soulsby - Carrollton City Schools

FY 20 & FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
Ms. Annette Perkins and Ms. Tracey Cleek - Carrollton City Schools

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Inga Cashon - Tattnall County Schools

FY 20 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipients
Dr. Kimberlie Harris and Ms. Kera Davis - Monroe County Schools

FY 21 Georgia STEM Scholar Award Recipient
Ms. Katrina Vaughn - Ben Hill County Schools